How to stream with OBS

This is an overview on how to broadcast on with your computer using OBS. Ensure that you’ve made an account before going through this documentation.

Step 01: Install OBS on Desktop

Download and install the OBS app from

Step 02: Setup your Audio Source

You will want to setup your Audio source by clicking the '+' icon in the Sources window. You will select the type of Source out of the options in the list.

To stream audio from another application, you can select 'macOS Audio Capture' then click 'Ok'.

You can select 'Application Audio Capture' then select the application that you want to stream audio form.

You can stream audio to Evenings by adjusting the streaming settings in OBS. Click the 'Settings' button on the lower right side.

In the Stream Settings page, you can select 'Custom' service then input the following information:

  1. Server: rtmp://

  2. Stream Key: Enter the Stream key from the Account page on Evenings

Step 04: Running your Live Stream

Click 'Ok' to close the pop up on OBS and select "Start Streaming" to go live, in bottom right corner of the window.

Step: 05: Viewing and Archiving your Broadcast

Your broadcast will be live on your LIBRARY page on Evenings. Select the “VIEW PLAYER” button to listen.

Step 06: Ending your Live Stream session

To end the livestream select 'Stop Streaming'. The livestream will be saved on your Library page.

That's it! Email with questions.

Last updated